Podcast from the NCCL Retreat from Tom Quinlan: Journeying into the Eucharistic Heart of God REGISTER for Journeying into the Eucharistic Heart of God (Tom Quinlan and NCCL) Joy in Christ Jesus, Hope for the Mission; A 3-HOUR RETREAT EXPERIENCE turned 4 part podcast. The road for us as disciple-ministers is filled with many challenges. But also much grace. Let us gather to explore the movement of God in our lives. We will consider how Jesus invites you to deeper intimacy. With the help of story and theological reflection, quiet time and sharing, we’ll call upon the Holy Spirit to renew our hearts for what lies ahead on this great and mysterious journey of ours. Receive this brief retreat as a gift of time to be nourished…for yourself and also for your ministry.
NEW National and diocesan conferences, and university workshop series offer catechetical leaders many opportunities for growth in faith, spirituality, teaching and leadership skills. We can't always attend all the workshops we'd like to, but in today's world of modern technology, we can often still benefit from the conference presentations. Below are some sites which share their conference presentations. Not all are on family faith, but often lifelong family faith is discussed in the context of the presentation.
Becoming a Trauma Informed Parish(NCCL) We have been called to accompany others. What might trauma informed accompaniment look like? What role can we play in helping people navigate back from the impact of trauma? Suppose we intentionally developed a trauma informed parish? This session offers a basic understanding of trauma and its impact on us, principles and practices which help restore, three characteristics of a trauma aware parish, and a free new parish-based resource. Presentation by Mike Carotta and Scott Hurd
ONGOING Training for Leadership Committed to Lifelong Faith Formation (Vibrant Faith) It’s time for every church to commit to adult faith formation. The transmission of faith to the next generation lies not in our work with children and youth, but rather with adults. We talk a good game for lifelong faith formation, but our actions remain primarily focused on children and youth. It’s time to flip the paradigm.
Symposium & Report on American Catholic Religious Parenting