Archived Resources from Leadership Conferences, Online training, Workshops, Webinars, & More
Amoris Laetitia Webinar Series from the Partnering Organizations of Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth Fall 2016/Spring 2017 (NFCYM) The Strong Catholic Families National Partnership invited ministry leaders, teachers, school leaders, parents and clergy to join together with others around the globe in a webinar series focusing on the pastoral implementation of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia. Four Master Teachers presented one video reflection each for four separate themes, followed by live panel reacting to the content of each video, then discussing practical applications to various ministries.
Webinar Theme #1: Listening to the Joys and Hungers of Families Webinar Theme #2: Accompanying Families Webinar Theme #3: Assisting Families in Discerning God's Movement Webinar Theme #4: Engaging for Mission
Forming Parents as Missionary Disciples - Webinar (NFCYM) Belonging leads to believing. And the natural response of a disciple is missionary activity. Explore with us the many opportunities we have to encounter, accompany, form community and send forth parents to live as and make missionary disciples in the home and beyond. Presenters: Diane Kledzik is the Associate Director for Evangelization, Small Christian Communities and Adult Faith Formation and Coordinator of Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth for the Department of Evangelization and Lifelong Faith Formation in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Linda Moses serves as the Pastoral Associate at Christ the King Catholic Church in Dallas, Texas and a past president of National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers. Katherine Angulo is the Associate Director of Youth Ministry for the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Strong Catholic Families Webinar Series: Families Celebrating the Sacraments from Formation to Transformation (NFCYM) The four Catholic organizations comprising the Strong Catholic Families national partnership (NFCYM, NCEA, NCCL and NACFLM) collaborated together in the fall of 2017 to host a three-part webinar series for pastoral and ministry leaders and teachers on engaging parents around the sacramental touchstones within a family’s life. Our goal is to inspire leaders to come up with creative and engaging practices and processes that will transform the traditional Sacramental prep process into an integrated and holistic Sacramental Living plan for families that will empower them to live their faith as a Domestic Church between the Sundays. View each session HERE(if you did not originally register to watch a session it will ask you to register before you are able to view it).
National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry 2016 (NFCYM)
Great Ideas on Engaging Parents and Families Panel - Lindsey West, Matt Rice, Scott Anthony, Matthew Leon & Diane Kledzik
PowerPoint Presentation
Handout on Forming Family Mission Statements (Coming soon)
Fostering A Culture of Encounter with Young Disciples: A Massive Online Open Course (NACYML) Spring 2015 - Pope Francis has spoken often about the importance of encountering Christ. In this series, Frank Mercadante speaks of catechetical leaders, youth ministers, and all in ministry, becoming Architects of Encounter. In the very first video Bishop Caggiano explains that the philosophy, ideas, and tips regarding Fostering a Culture of Encounter with Young Disciples, actually applies to all of us, including those working with families. This series is a wonderful opportunity to hear experience and wisdom from Catholic leaders from around the country.
World Meeting on Families - 2015 Philadelphia Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each World Meeting of Families has a theme that energizes and enlivens the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. The theme of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 is “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society.
Pastoral Challenges to the Family: Families today are structured and defined differently than they were in the past. Steve Pope discusses how the Church is addressing these changes and how we can bring the gospel more into the way we live as families.