Alpha - Catholic Context Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.
ChristLife Series The ChristLife Evangelization Process, is a relational way to make missionary disciples by helping people discover, follow, and share Jesus Christ. This ministry partners with parishes, priests, clergy, religious and lay leaders who are seeking to answer the Church’s call for the New Evangelization through a proven method of parish evangelization and outreach.
Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth(NFCYM) A three-part training process hosted by dioceses for changing the way parishes/schools partner with parents. Developed by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) and presented in partnership with the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) (now known as In Word and Witness) the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers (NACFLM) and the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). The Strong Catholic Families: Strong Catholic Youth in-services and resources are designed to (a) motivate parents to take responsibility for the faith development of their children, and (b) motivate parishes/schools to support and equip parents and families in passing the faith to their children. A typical diocesan sponsored training includes the following:
Session 1: A two-hour parent session which models for parish/school leaders how to engage and partner with parents in the lifelong process of faith formation.
Session 2: A morning (three-hour) training in-service for any interested diocesan/parish/school leaders outlining the what and why of partnering with parents to bring home the faith.
Session 3: An afternoon (three-hour) orientation for Presenters to prepare local presenters and the diocesan team to work with parish/school staffs in using the Strong Catholic Family process and materials in local parishes/schools within the diocese.
Gospel Link Faith @ Work Faith @ Work Series (Pastoral Center) Reflections and videos to understand the basics of how our faith connects to what we do in our everyday occupations