This website was created by catechetical and evangelization staff from the Catholic dioceses of Jefferson City, MO (Jim Kemna, now retired); San Jose, CA (Wendy Scherbart, now retired); and St. Petersburg, FL (Diane Kledzik) to provide parish and school leaders with high quality resources to build strong Catholic families. All three came together through their involvement with the Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth initiative, in May 2012. Denise Utter (previously from the Diocese of Joliet, IL), joined the team in 2014, sharing her passion for building strong Catholic families and increasing their social media presence. All four collaborators are members of the National Community of Catechetical Leadership, (NCCL)
We use an image of growth to remind ourselves of our roots. Our project started with a strong connection to the Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth Initiative. Read about this and other initiatives on our Leadership page - Initiatives.