Treasure Box Tuesday (Traci Smith) A weekly newsletter for families with new activities each Tuesday
Beyond Sunday (Archdiocese of Detroit) These weekly podcasts talk about how parents can be more intentional in recognizing God at work in our lives, and how we as families can go deeper into our relationship with him.
Moving with Kids (MYMOVE) A comprehensive guide for moving with kids. Moving can be a stressful time for your family. It is a time of transition that is chock full of fears, grief and challenges when starting somewhere new. Our need for God is greater during transitions because we are off balance. Help your family successfully navigate the transition by having faith conversations. Invite them to share their fears, hopes and dreams before during and after the move. Help them look for how God is present, who and what is showing them God's love. Invite your family members to ask for God's help during the move? Pray and celebrate together! Remember Jesus's promise to always be with us. (Mt 28:20) Ask them what difference Jesus's promise makes in their lives. NOTE: The following are free resources from MYMOVE with tips and activities to support a successful experience when moving Strong Catholic Family Faith is not advocating for the advertising that is connected to the free resources below.
Moving for College(MarketWatch) Note: This a free resource from MarketWatch that gives tips and tricks on how to furnish a college living space, how to save money during this process and provides wisdom on how to make the most out your dorm/apartment living. Strong Catholic Family Faith is not advocating for the advertising that is connected to this resource.
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) MOPS International exists to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ. MOPS is about meeting the needs of every mom of a child from conception through kindergarten.
Especially for Dads City Dads - a national organization dedicated to helping fathers socialize and support one another. Digital Dads - Raising Kids in a Digital World
Parent Resources
9 Most Dangerous Apps for Kids (thefishportland) New apps are constantly being created, so it’s important to monitor what your child downloads. Being aware of the online tricks predators use will help you know what to look for.
NEW!10 Family Bonding Activities on a Budget (iMOM) When you’re trying to get the kids out of the house but you’re working on a budget, try one of these 10 affordable family bonding activities.
25 Ways to Ask Your Kids, "How Was School Today?" (Huffpost) Without asking them, "How Was School Today? This article gives parents hits on keeping lines of communication open, getting more information from children with just a shift in the way we ask the questions.
About That Mom Who's Not Bragging About Her Kid (Washington Post) An article about the bragging we do about our kids, and how we should pay attention to the parent who's not bragging. In our brokenness we should support one another.
Active Parenting Publishers ( Active Parenting Publishers has provided award-winning, video-based parenting classes for helping professionals since 1983. Their evidence-based programs cover topics including parenting programs, step-parenting, divorce, school success, and character education.
Catholic Parenting 101: Tips for Building Strong Catholic Families (RCL/Benziger) Dr Tim Hogan offers parents articles on a number of issues that parents deal with in the course of raising their children. Topics include bullying, doing chores, behavior, sibling rivalry, dealing with loss and more. Check out this free resource.
Center for Parent-Youth Understanding (CPYU) The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers. CPYU helps parents, youth workers, educators, and others understand teenagers and their culture so that they will be better equipped to help children and teens navigate the challenging world of adolescence. (Boys Town) provides valuable resources, articles and tips offering parenting help in today’s world. It includes free resources, articles and stories from the experts at Boys Town. Ask parenting questions online and search by age or topic.
Sticky Faith Parents (Fuller Youth Institute) Sticky Faith Parents is designed for parents of kids of any age who are concerned about how faith is shaping their children’s life and what will happen to their faith when they leave home. Through research-based insights and stories from other parents, parents can use the ideas today and in the years to come to help build Sticky Faith in their kids.
What I Wish More People Understood About Losing a Child (MindBodyGreen) When a parent loses a child, we hurt for the parent, we hurt for the whole family, but we may not always know what to say... here are some things for all of us to keep in mind.
Zero to Three (National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families) ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers. Our mission is to promote the health and development of infants and toddlers.
Parent Education
Active Parenting Publishers Active Parenting Publishers has provided award-winning, video-based parenting classes for helping professionals since 1983. Their evidence-based programs cover topics including parenting programs, step-parenting, divorce, school success, and character education. Parent Further (Search Institute) ParentFurther provides practical, everyday parenting tips and helpful advice for difficult situations. ParentFurther helps parents teach their kids positive values; set clear boundaries and enforce reasonable consequences; find the support and knowledge they need to help their kids grow up successfully; and focus on the things that matter most to their family.