Ordinary Time-Cycle C

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Cycle C- June 12, 2022
The Work of the Spirit
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week - readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
The Work of the Spirit
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week - readings, stories, activities, art Spanish

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Cycle C - June 19, 2022
Feeding the Five Thousand
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
Feeding the Five Thousand
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish

The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C - June 26, 2022
The Journey to Jerusalem
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
The Journey to Jerusalem
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C- July 3, 2022
The Mission of the Seventy-Two
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
The Mission of the Seventy-Two
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C- July 10, 2022
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C- July 17, 2022
Jesus visits the house of Martha and Mary
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
Jesus visits the house of Martha and Mary
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C - July 24, 2022
Jesus teaches the disciples about prayer.
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
Jesus teaches the disciples about prayer.
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish

The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C- July 31, 2022
The Parable of the Rich Fool.
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish
The Parable of the Rich Fool.
Catholic Kids Media: Catholic Kids Homilies: video Spanish
Heidi Witte Kid's Liturgy: Children's Liturgy of the Word
Loyola Press: Sunday Connection: Readings, Reflections, Activities
Our Sunday Visitor: Sunday Readings and Backgrounds, Questions of the Week, Saint of the Week, Activity of the Week
Renew International: Branching Out: blog-ideas for growing faith
Santa Clara University: Build. Plant. Grow.: the word this week- readings, stories, activities, art Spanish